Friday, April 9, 2010

Living the life God called me to live..

For a few days now I'm beeing's because I need to know exactly what God wants for me. I need to know if I am at the right place right now, doing what I am supposed to do..or I am wasting time. I'm not looking to be well known, to be a "miracle maker" or something like that..I just need to know He is pleased with what I am doing. And..I kind of think I am not as He wants me to be. I miss feeling His power. I miss crying while praying..I want to feel His touch. I want to feel He is the reason I wake up in the morning and He's the reason I live for. I want HIM to be the center of my life...I feel like I've lost the power to live the life God called me to live..(all this started after reading a message a friend of mine wrote..and he is so right about it! I belive God spoke to my heart through that message) I want a change in my life! And I'm willing to do whatever He wants me to do, in order to see that change in my life! I don't expect things to be transformed from night to the morning, but I know there will be a change in my life! It has to be! God sees my heart and hears the cry of my soul, HE will answer!
And than, I will be able to say I AM LIVING THE LIFE GOD CALLED ME TO LIVE!

There's something in your voice...makes my heart beat fast...

Monday, April 5, 2010


...Unde sunt??? Nici eu nu stiu..stiu doar k azi e ziua in care sunt trista..:( stiu EL e intotdeauna cu mine, si nu ar trebui sa ma simt asa, cand EL mi-a promis atatea lucruri minunate!!! Intristarea nu ar trebui sa ma copleseasca...dar sunt slaba, si de multe ori nu reusesc sa imi scot din minte anumite amintiri, vise neimplinite...zambete...imbratisari..
Azi, mai mult ca oricand, vreau sa simt imbratisarea LUI...vreau sa ma simt in siguranta langa nevoie sa simt mangaierea LUI calda.. EL e singurul care poate face din ziua insorita de primavara o zi minunata, o zi care sa zambesc din adancul inimii, in care sa le pot arata celor din jur iubirea LUI..azi, am nevoie de umple golul din inima stearga lacrimile care sunt pe cale sa izbucneasca din ochii mei..Stiu k lacrimile mele- diamante pretioase pentru EL- sunt importante..stiu k EL le pastreaza, pentru k intr-o zi sa imi faca o podoaba frumoasa din ele..stiu k la EL sunt in siguranta..stiu k niciodata nu ma va lasa nemangaiata...stiu k intotdeauna are un cuvant de incurajare pentru daca sunt trista, zambesc, printre lacrimi, pentru k stiu k EL nu ma lasa niciodata singura..
El, e iubitul inimii, dorul sufletului meu...cred k sufletul meu are nevoie de odihna in poate k sufletul meu sa fie foarte obosit..dupa un an care odihna in EL nu a fost o rog k anul in care tocmai am intrat, sa fie un an plin de EL, plin de iubirea LUI..un an in care sa ii arat mai mult k IL iubesc..un an in care sa fie EL centrul vietii mele..un an SPECIAL PENTRU EL!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

My long year passed..

It's been a long year, filled with lots of new experiences..there's been people coming in and going out of my life..My good old friends are all in my life, still, and there's also new friends.
God has truly blessed me with all of them and I thank Him for each one!
This year has been one of the most difficult years for me..I didn't understand why I had to go through all that, but I thank God He's got me out of there..when I look back, it made me stronger..there's been days I felt my heart so small, and weak. I thought I wasn't strong enough, but I am strong when HE is by my side. I know, nothing happens in my life "just because"..everything has a meaning, and all I'm going through it's meant to teach me something. So, thank YOU Lord for passing me through deep valleys, just to put me up on the mountain again..and when I'm up there YOU show me YOUR glory!
I want this year full of YOU. Please stay with me..I am nothing when YOU're not in me and make me just as YOU want me to be! I am YOURS forever! I so look forward for the day we will be together! It is going to be amazing. Again, thank YOU for your love!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

AmAzInG LoVe

Good night my angel!

Just wanted to share this beautiful song with you..

I love you more....I was listening to it on the way home and I thought I should share it with's one of my favorite songs :)