To be comanded to love God in all things, without keeping an account of the hard times, it's like being commanded to feel good when you are sick, to sing with joy when you die of thirst, to run with broken legs...And yet, this is the first and greatest commandment. Even in difficult moments - especially in those difficult times- to love Him.
We love Him not because of the things He gave us, even though He always blesses us with gifts...we love Him because He first loved us...we love Him because He is our life, He gave us the life we're living today, He is our Creator..He is the one that knows everything about us, He is our loving Father. We love Him because He gives us breath and abundant life in Him, because we would not exist without His love...we love Him because of what He has done for us. He set us free, free of our sins, He gave us hope and future.
We love Him, because He left His throne and came to live and feel like us, He passed through everything we pass through, just because He loved us, because He wanted to understand all our needs.. He gave up His safe place in heaven and came to live among the poor, the needy, the thiefs, the widows, orphans....Just like Him, we live here for a while, but we're not of this world...We love Him and we will show His love to the world out there!!!