Tuesday, January 4, 2011

December, 30th, 2010

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I CAN!

And I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.

December, 29, 2010

God, the one and only—
I'll wait as long as he says.
Everything I hope for comes from him,
so why not?
He's solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
I'm set for life.
My help and glory are in God
—granite-strength and safe-harbor-God—
So trust him absolutely, people;
lay your lives on the line for him.
God is a safe place to be.

God is a safe place to be...all you have to do is trust Him. I struggle sometimes, but then, I get back and find verses like these. How can I read things like this and not be moved? My help and glory are in Him, so are yours! We're set for life. He has a plan and will reveal it to us at the right time all we have to do is lay our lives for Him. HE IS A SAFE PLACE TO BE!

December, 28, 2010

A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face;
a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.

It is time to mend our broken hearts. It is time for healing and a new way. A fresh start. Today you are reminded you are LOVED by the ONE who created you. It doesn't matter what you have or you haven't done. God loves you just as you are. He has given you this day, so rejoice and be glad in it! You have Him, you need nothing else...He fills every single need. Let your heart be glad.

Monday, January 3, 2011

December, 27, 2010

(Ziua lui Nicoooooooooooo!!!! Cea mai scumpa sora din lume! - nu uita sa o feliciti !!! ;) )

Azi am fost putin ocupata, Jessica e cu mine, in ultimul timp am avut grija de ea.. Domnul ma pregateste pentru copiii nostri :) nu va fi usor, dar merita efortul, sunt sigura. Ma gandesc la lucrurile care mi se intampla, toate astea sunt pentru a ma pregati pentru viata cu tine!!! :D Intr-un timp eram trista pentru k nu se intampla "nimic" in viata mea..dar, alegeam sa nu vad ceea ce mi se intampla, sa ma plang intr-una, in loc sa fac ceva, nu puteam aprecia ceea ce am, nu ceea ce imi lipseste, si sa fiu multumita, dar Domnul a avut grija sa imi arate voia Lui, cum vrea El sa fiu..ceea ce face El pentru mine :) imi doresc tare mult ca si tu sa experimentezi o relatie la fel de frumoasa cu El :) e asa de bine cand El te invata ce trebuie sa faci, cum sa privesti viata...sunt multumitoare pentru k stiu k El te pregateste pentru mine :) si ma rog sa fiu ceea ce tu ai nevoie :) stiu k El ma face ajutorul tau potrivit! :)

December, 26, 2010


Today, today I bet my life

You have no idea what I feel inside
Don't, be afraid to let it show
For you never know if you let it out

I love you, you love me
Take this gift and don't ask why
'Cause if you will let me
I'll take what scares you and hold it deep inside

And if you ask me why
I'm with you and why I'll never leave
Love will show you everything

One day when youth is just a memory
I know you'll be standing right next to me

I love you, you love me
Take this gift and don't ask why
Cause if you will let me
I'll take what scares you and hold it deep inside

And if you, ask me why
I'm with you and why I'll never leave
My love will show you everything
My love will show you everything, thing

My love will show you, everything
Our love will show us everything

December 25, 2010

Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new.
It's bursting out! Don't you see it?
There it is! I'm making a road through the desert,
rivers in the badlands.

Many times I have felt hopeless, helpless and useless..just like a waste of space, a "badland"..did u feel that also? Reading these verses, I see it from another perspective. "Be alert, be present"...quit living in the past!!! Live the present!!! That is what the Lord wants to teach me/us. Don't live in the past, don't dream of "what could have been".."what if".."what would have happened if I decided that, back then.."..trust Him, HE is MAKING (now) a road through the desert (through this desert you/I pass through). Trust His promises. He will never dissapoint you.
Christmas- we celebrate Jesus' birthday. A day to remember - many years ago, He came to this earth, to make a way for us...He knows exactly what we go through, He's been here. Live your life with Him and for Him. Don't feel useless, He put you exactly where you have to be. Do all you can to let others see His love. That's why He came, because He loves us...