Saturday, August 19, 2017

No estes lejos de mi

"No lejos de mí un solo día"
Pablo Neruda

No estés lejos de mí un solo día, porque cómo,
porque, no sé decirlo, es largo el día,
y te estaré esperando como en las estaciones
cuando en alguna parte se durmieron los trenes.

No te vayas por una hora porque entonces
en esa hora se juntan las gotas del desvelo
y tal vez todo el humo que anda buscando casa
venga a matar aún mi corazón perdido.

Ay que no se quebrante tu silueta en la arena,
ay que no vuelen tus párpados en la ausencia:
no te vayas por un minuto, bienamada,

porque en ese minuto te habrás ido tan lejos
que yo cruzaré toda la tierra preguntando
si volverás o si me dejarás muriendo.

"Don't Go Far Off"
Pablo Neruda

Don't go far off, not even for a day, because --
because -- I don't know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.

Don't leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.

Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.
Don't leave me for a second, my dearest,

because in that moment you'll have gone so far
I'll wander mazily over all the earth, asking,
Will you come back? Will you leave me here, dying?

Friday, August 18, 2017

My heart´s needs to be with YOU...

God put on my heart for a few weeks now this desire to write this letter to you..I've been thinking of you a lot lately. This evening, I was talking to my friend on the phone, and the conversation made me miss you even more..I just wonder where you are...There's days when I need you more than the air I breathe. There's other days when I don't feel pain, I just feel there's something missing in my heart and it's got the shape of yourself. It is weird, cause I don't know you, but I do..:) (don't ask to explain how that is, cause I can't, but I know you..He's made me out of your ribs, I am part of you and you are part of me). Yeah, you probably think I am a weirdo, and you are right..but I really miss you! And you need a proof of this :)

You know, in the last year God had a lot of work with me. He had to change a few things in my life, things that I thought I could never deal is so weird. He had to bring me all the way to Spain, to teach me this! It is impressive. I am so blessed to have in my life people that help me overcome my fears, help me understand life, people that God sent to my life, and it all happened here, in Spain, the country I never (ever) wanted to come and live.

My heart's aching, it needs to be with you...there's this part of my life I can only live with you, and it can't be released until you get here, so please, please come!

Many times I wonder where you are, what you do..and wish I was there. Or at least know where you are and how your life looks like. This time of waiting is getting dicult sometimes. But I am thankful the Lord is by my side all the time and He holds me, gives me strength to continue.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Silence speaks when words can't

"We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls." Mother Teresa

For a while now I've been "quiet".. haven't been inspired to write. But deep inside my heart there's a voice screaming, needing to write some. As I wondered what to write about, "silence" came to my mind. I found this quote, and it is so true! God lives in the quietness of our heart. How else can we hear Him, if we're not silent? The truth is that when we are silent, the devil tries to distract us.. so, we keep talking, because when we talk, we fill the silence with noise and we can not hear His whisper, and it seems that the devil wins that battle lots of times, BUT if we allow the Holy Spirit to  guide us, He will bring us back to silence, so that we could stay in His presence and enjoy everything that He has to tell us. How amazing it is to listen to His voice and understand what He tells you! I am thankful for all this time of "silence" in my life. I am blessed beyond measure.

For me, YOUR peace in my heart is more important than peoples' ovation.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thinking of YOU this Christmas...

Dearest YOU,
It has been pretty long since I last wrote to you. It doesn't mean I stopped thinking of /praying/missing you.. I just didn't know what to write. I still don't quite know what should I write, what is it that you need to hear right now, but I will let you "hear" some of the things that go through my mind...

It's almost the end of the year, and you are still not here with me.. while a part of me is happy, the other one is broken. I wish you were here.. I miss you, like I always do when we are appart. Although I've got everything I need and my family shows me lots of love and support, something is missing in my life, and that's YOU. The end of the world came (according to the Maya tribe) and you still didn't come. How long do I still have to wait? Do you realise that by the time you get here we will only have a little time left to live? Even so, even if we will be living only one day together, I am still looking forward for that special day, and I know it will be worth waiting for YOU..

I am waiting patiently, trusting the Lord is in control of our lives.. and even when I worry, He knows how to bring peace into my heart.. I am thankful for this close relationship with Him. I am blessed! I pray that you get to experience the same, and if you ever miss me, I pray that He makes you feel my love.. I know that deep down in your heart you think of me too..and I hope you have the assurance that I am out there somewhere waiting for you..

 I've got some books that I will share with you someday. There are things that we could learn together about marriage. I am not dreaming of a life painted in "pink" when you get into my life, I am dreaming of a family that we will build together, I am dreaming of a relationship that will make our life complete... I am dreaming of you, and of the day when the Lord will make you know I am the one He has made for you.. the day when you will realise I exist, and you will search for my heart... I keep dreaming, praying and waiting for YOU..

I will end this letter with some of the verses the Lord has spoken through, to me, this past year. It is an encouraging message, that helps me wait for you.

"And then God answered: “Write this.
Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.
This vision-message is a witness
pointing to what’s coming.
It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!
And it doesn’t lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait.
It’s on its way. IT WILL COME RIGHT ON TIME."

Habakkuk 2:2-3

And later on, another verse says: "the righteous person will live by his faithfulness."

Though I cannot see you now, I know that HE can! I am waiting faithfully..

Merry Christmas, sweet soul-mate! I LOVE YOU!

Monday, October 8, 2012

How can I really love someone I've never seen before?

So amazing! I keep thinking of you.. and sometimes, the dreams that I have are about you. I can feel that confidence that you are in my dreams.. then I wake up, and you're not here... and I miss you like crazy. I wonder where you are and what you do? Are you really thinking of me too?

Today I had one of those dreams..  I "bumped" into you, searching for mom in a place like a barn. You were there, and I knew it was "YOU"... but we didn't really knew each other. I just asked if you've seen my mom, and you said no, so.. we \ sat together and talked for a while, then you threw me in the swimming pool that was behing me, held my hand, got me under the water and took me at the bottom of the pool; there was a door. You got through that door, and wanted me to go through as well, but because of my claustrophobia, I couldn't.. so I lost you :(( I woke up and could hardly breath.. then I started missing you, like a whole lot.. how can I miss someone I've never seen before? It is so hard to understand why do I feel like this.. and how long do I still have to wait until you get here?  I just pray that the Lord anchors my heart in Him and brings me peace until you get here.. and after, of course.. there are days when I miss you like crazy, and the only thing that gives me peace is feeling God's warmth embrace.. you know, He is faithfull, He's never left my side. He holds me, and lets me cry on His shoulder, He even wipes away my tears and fills my heart with joy! He is amazing!

Well, I just pray that your week will be blessed and that the Lord lets you know that I've been thinking of you and have been missing you today more than ever before.. I love you and can't wait to have you here with me forever (and a day).

Big hugs to you
Yours always,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I keep wondering what is up with me.. there are so many things happening in my life and it is hard to understand what's going on. People come and go into my life. Sometimes people stay for a while, then..just dissapear to show up again after a few years, when you less expect it.

It happent that I had a good friend years ago.. and all of the sudden he dissapeared (it was kind of a choice we both made). We lost contact. We didn´t know anything about each other all that time, until one day, few months ago... We started talking again and well, you know how it is when good friends meet, it seems like nothing, we talked and talked and from that moment we were back in touch...did I mention all this is my sister´s fault?? Well, she has her own style...she keeps bringing old friends back into my life, but everything happens for a reason, right??

The Bible says that "a friend loves at all times.." it is weird how we keep that love into our heart when we separate, until we meet again. It happens that this friend of mine is passing through a hard time of his life and I know, because I believe all things happen for a reason, that the Lord put him back into my life because He wants to touch this person´s life.. I am amazed at God's wonders. He is God and all things work out in my life for His, I am waiting for a miracle to happen, and I know it will. My Lord and Savior wants us all saved. I know He has great plans for my friend and I am praising Him now for what He is about to do. It is written in Hebrews: "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. By faith, we see the world called into existence by God's word, what we see created by what we don't see." So, I choose to be different and believe in things I don't see.. because I know my God, the one who created the whole world has big plans for me and the people around me... I want to be set above the be different...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Marturia lui Adi... un copil special, iubit de Domnul Isus care a trait o experienta minunata cu Domnul...

Mă numesc Găluţi Adrian, sunt din Localitatea Şintereag, judeţul Bistriţa – Năsăud, am 25 de ani şi doresc să vă marturisesc cum Dumnezeu a lucrat în viaţa mea.
         Oricare ai fii tu care citeşti această mărturie, ea e scrisă de un tânăr căruia în urmă cu 8 ani, la vârsta de 16 ani, inima a încetat să-i mai bată pentru câteva momente…
         La finele anului 2003 în prima seară de Crăciun deplasându-mă cu maşina cu 2 prieteni înspre una din bisericile din oraş, Sfânta Treime, am suferit un accident de maşină la o distanţă de doar 10 km de casă.
         Datorită faptului că era noapte şi pentru că am pornit de acasă târziu, ne grăbeam. În satul vecin, şoferului i s-a părut că vede pe cineva trecând strada şi a frânat brusc. Eram cu o maşină care avea doar 2 locuri, iar în spate avea ladă; fiind mai tânăr am ales să stau acolo. În momentul când şoferul a frânat, neavând de ce să mă ţin, am dat cu capul de uşa din spate a maşinii, pierzându-mi conştienţa. Pentru că maşina era uşoară de spate şi viteza era cam mare, ne-am rostogolit de trei ori. În spatele nostru, cu o altă maşină veneau fratele meu cu soţia, sora mea, şi tatăl meu, ei fiind martori la toată scena. După ce maşina s-a oprit, fratele şi tatăl meu au pornit să mă caute, să mă strige dar eu nu răspundeam… Intrasem în comă.
         După câteva momente, fratele meu m-a găsit în spatele maşinii cu capul sângerând. M-a luat în braţe, m-a pus în maşina lui şi a pornit înspre spital…
         La spital, fiind de gardă un frate de la biserica Sfanta Treime, s-a ocupat de mine, pregătindu-mă pentru a merge la Cluj pentru operaţie, dat fiind faptul că eram foarte grav. M-au intubat şi m-au pus pe ambulanţă spre Cluj.
         Când am ajuns la Cluj, am intrat direct în sala de operaţii unde am stat trei ore şi jumătate. Cutia mea craniană fiind crăpată, medicii mi-au scos oasele care erau împrăştiate prin creier, extirpându-mi astfel 25 % din creier.
         După 16 zile de comă şi o tăietură la cap de 24 de cm lungime şi 18 cm adâncime, Domnul m-a trezit ca dintr-un somn dimineaţa…
         Toţi din jurul meu erau speriaţi că mă voi trezi şi nu voi mai recunoaşte pe nimeni, că nu voi mai şti nimic… Dar nu a fost aşa! Am rămas cu o paralizie pe partea stângă, ştiam totul până în momentul când am dat cu capul de acea uşă, iar la spital îi recunoşteam pe toţi cei care veneau să mă viziteze.
         După 58 de zile de la accident m-au externat, urmând să fac multă terapie şi masaje acasă pentru că mi se atrofiaseră muşchii şi pentru a putea merge din nou. Mulţumesc Domnului că El m-a ajutat şi la doar opt luni de la accident mă plimbam prin curte, la început cu două cârje, apoi cu una iar mai apoi cu nici una.  De asemenea Domnul m-a ajutat să termin şi liceul.
         Poate vi se pare un basm ceea ce citiţi dar este o experienţă pe care am trăit-o cu adevărat şi la care sunt martori sute de oameni care mă cunosc şi care m-au sprijinit în rugăciune în toată această perioadă.
         Am scris această mărturie pentru că vreau să ştie toţi cu ce Dumnezeu mare ne-am făcut de lucru, ce putere mare are şi să îi trezesc pe toţi cei care cred că se pot juca cu Dumnezeu...
         Ieri am fost eu, azi poţi fi tu….nu ştim cât ne e dat de sus… eu una ştiu : Vreau să fiu cu Isus!
          Domnul să vă binecuvinteze ! Amin !